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Yellow Magnolia (Magnoliaceai denudada) Flower Essence Stock .5oz bottle
  • Yellow Magnolia (Magnoliaceai denudada) Flower Essence Stock .5oz bottle

    SKU: YLWMagnoliaessenc

    Yellow Lily Tree Magnolia (Magnoliaceai denudada) Flower Essence .5oz bottle   


    This Essence is during a strawberry moon cycle. This essence is solarized and lunarized.

    Yellow Lily Tree Magnolia flower essence, promotes love, kindness, ease, and gentle joy in your life.


    Our essence offers a graceful uplift to help you move forward one step at a time with divine guidance, while promoting energetic easy and comfort in abdominal breathing practices. Helpful with ease and increasing feelings of groundedness and ease within yourself. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or disconnected from your sense of purpose, Yellow Lily Tree Magnolia flower essence may be just what you need. It may also be beneficial if you're looking to cultivate more love, kindness, happiness, joy, and peace in your life, as well as to enhance your connections with friends.

    This essence is associated with the colors gold, white, green, red, and pink, and works with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, third eye, and soul star chakras.


    Yellow Lily Tree Magnolia flower essence is believed to offer profound and divine soothing, calm, love, steadiness, gentility, harmony, peace, relaxation, and a deep sense of ease. It may also help with healing during crisis and promote support around a sense of mental well-being.


    Yellow Lily Tree Magnolia flower essence may help you better connect with angelic energy and their realms, restore sleep, and diffuse nervous tension. It may also be a helper when wanting to release stress, anxiety, and depression and can be an assist in enhancing psychic abilities and visions without bringing overwhelm.

    This essence is associated with the heart chakra, and may help with heart chakra healing, allowing you to move through struggles in divine love, elegance and gentleness.


    Our essence is wildcrafted and made in NH/USA, and each bottle comes with a meditation card to help you connect with the essence on a deeper level.


    It's important to note that flower essences are not a replacement for professional medical treatment, but rather a complementary therapy to support overall well-being.

     This plant has chosen “Easy Does it” by The Oscar Peterson Trio as it’s song. 


    Information and Meditation card is included with your bottle to help you connect with the essence and work with it on a deeper level.


    Wildcrafted and Made in NH/USA


    Flower essences are liquid, vibrational remedies that work on the energetic body to bring your whole being back into balance. Flower essences ARE NOT essential oils. and not about SCENT. 


    Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. We are not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final.


    We are NOT making any medical claims or guarantee of  how the product will work with your particular energetic system.  Product information came from channelled information from the plant at the time of making. Our products are not making and legal, medical or psychological claims, diagnosis nor any treatment.  Sold as a curio and a dietary supplement.

    • Policies and Product information

      All sales are FINAL! Due to the energetic and consumable nature of the products we are unable to accept returns.  Product Care: Please do not leave your essences in extreme temeratures i.e. a hot or cold car or a fridge. Do not store in direct sunlight.  Do not store next to Euchalyptus or Tea Tree essential oils!

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