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Strawberry Flower Essence .5oz Blend Bottle
  • Strawberry Flower Essence .5oz Blend Bottle

    SKU: StrawEssen

    .5oz bottle is a blend of essences made from wild strawberry flowers and domestic varietals of  strawberry flowers.  This is the foundation essences that are in all of our "Under a Strawberry Moon" Collection.  This collection was made under a Flower Sun and Moon  and blended during Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius during Lunar Eclipse.


    Information and Meditation card is included with your bottle to help you connect with the essence and work with it on a deeper level.


    Flower essences are liquid, vibrational remedies that work on the energetic body to bring your whole being back into balance. Flower essences ARE NOT essential oils. and not about SCENT. 


    Strawberry Flower Essence Blend - Assists with: joy; energetic & psychic hypersensitivity; enjoying the ripe pleasure & sweetness of life, self-esteem, confidence, self mastery, self worth, centering, productivity, & grounding oneself; accepting simple joyful present moments in life; enjoyment in the fruits of life & work; grace, presence & comfort in ones own skin, body and being; helps with the awkwardness of menopause & mid life puberty crisis & the change of life stresses; Aid issues around: libido, post menopausal lack of feeling the fertile, juiciness of life; calm, emotional strength & discernment while surrendering & acceptance to life’s journey & situations; authentically moving, feeling & acting with certainty & confidence in a rapidly changing world instead of pushing & worrying ones self to exhaustion & tears; clarity of thought & focus for day time activities with a more restful, peaceful sleep at night. Supportive for children and adults struggling to letting go of the life phase they have outgrown.


    Pets support: grounding, calmness around other animals or easing their transition from life.


    Supports issues around eczema, acne, anxiety, emotional overwhelm & mental looping, urinary & GI challenges, night sweats, vitality, virility & menopause. Supports better mental & emotional energy communications within the body.

    Colors: RED, Pink & Green, Chakras: Root, Sacral, & Heart.


    The "Under a Strawberry Moon" Meditation is available.  Contact us if you would like to purchase the recording to work more deeply with your essence or collection.  The meditation is available as an audio purchase on this website.  If you want to purchase the video meditation, you may contact us for that.


    Flower Essences, Organic,  and Made in NH/USA


    Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. We are not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final. Sold as a curio and a dietary supplement.


    Flower essences are liquid, vibrational remedies that work on the energetic body to bring your whole being back into balance. Flower essences ARE NOT essential oils. and not about SCENT.


    We are NOT making any medical claims or guarantee of  how the product will work with your particular energetic system.  The product information came about from clients sharing how they have chosen to use our product and shared that with us. Other info related to the product was channeled at the time of making.

    • Policies and Product information

      All sales are FINAL! Due to the energetic and consumable nature of the products we are unable to accept returns.  Product Care: Please do not leave your essences in extreme temeratures i.e. a hot or cold car or a fridge. Do not store in direct sunlight.  Do not store next to Euchalyptus or Tea Tree essential oils!

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