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Celtic Broom/Reed (Ngetal) Tree Flower Essence Stock Blend .5 oz. Bottle
  • Celtic Broom/Reed (Ngetal) Tree Flower Essence Stock Blend .5 oz. Bottle

    SKU: ReedBroomEssence

    Celtic Broom (Reed) Ngetal Tree Flower Essence -(Cystus scoparius & (Phragmites australis) - This stock is a blend of American and European Broom and Reed flower essences.  Cleaning and Clearing the way for positivity, hope and optimism.  Enjoying the sunnier side of life with renewed energy.  Knowing thy self.  Invites in the divine feminine energy.  Hope for the future with renewed interest and energy to move forward.  Sweeping depression and despair away. Bright warming energy.  Love. Clearing, cleansing, Purification, energetic fresh start, calm, stability, protection, vision, divination, spirit communication, health and healing. Helps to increase energy and replenish when there’s been energy loss. Strength in flexibility and adaptation.  Connection to the world. Enduring through what may come. Divine timing and order is working in our highest good.

    Color: Red, Yellow (Gold), Green, Indigo Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus, Heart, Third Eye. This is the twelfth tree we work with in the Celtic Tree Wheel of the year during the Ngetal Cycle of the year.


    Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. We are not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final! Sold as a curio.

    • Product Care and Storage

      All sales are FINAL! Due to the energetic and consumable nature of the products we are unable to accept returns. 

      Product Care:

      • Please do not leave your essences in extreme temeratures i.e. a hot or cold car or a fridge.
      • Do not store in direct sunlight. 
      • Do not store next to Euchalyptus or Tea Tree essential oils!
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