Expanding Human Potential
Our Bio-Energtic Aura Imaging system is a:
Professional state of the art technology built on the principals of knowledge, forward movement, human potential and discovery.
The latest in human energy aura imaging. (1 of limited number on the east coast)
Image the Energy body, aura and chakras in REAL TIME—3D.
See your own Aura in order to help you gain deeper personal insight into emotional and mental states, as well as gain spiritual awareness.

What does Your Aura
Say about you?

Innovative aura imaging technology visualizes and validates the essence of human energy. We integrate scientific data with the latest technology to provide illustrated insight beyond the basic understanding of the physical body.
Every color has its unique qualities and purposes. Imagine a color wheel. Each color is a location on the wheel. No color is better than another. Each has its inherent lessons, its positive and challenging traits.
The right side, picture left of the aura photo: Indicates one's expressive active or masculine side, the personality one projects outward and how other people see us. A hole may indicate a great and abrupt change of some sort.
The left side, picture right, of the aura photo: Indicates one's feminine, receptive or feeling side, the part of the personality that receives, feels, accepts, and imagines. The color in this position is also indicative of what one is creating for him/herself in the near future. and events.
The center of the aura photo, above the person's head:
Indicates what the person is experiencing in the present moment.
Aura & Chakra Monitors
Chakra Energy Level
Aura Power- aura field radius
Yin\Yang Color Wheel - balance
Aura Wave - energy harmony
Energy Level - physical, mental,
emotional, spiritual frequency
How Does Our Aura Machine Work?
1. Biofeedback Reading – A biosensor measures skin temperature and electro-dermal activity (electrical energy) as biofeedback data. Just touch your hand on the sensor!
2. Displays on Screen – displays data as 3D full-body aura images, detailed graphs and charts. Aura snapshot photos.
3. Data Translated – Each aura image is a personal representation of the individual’s bio-energetic field and unique life-data. It portrays their emotional energy, personality type, and overall wellness statistics.
4. Before and After—Real Time—We can show you real-time how something is helping or hurting you, see how a particular therapy or supplement may make your energy stronger or weaker.
5. Progress Imaging—We can use the technology as a tool to show you how energetically you are improving, monitor your progress with energetic and visual feedback.
Screen shot of the clients live view

Some of the many positive health benefits:
Provide instant easy to understand information on human-energy levels.
Biofeedback sensors are extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in bodily calmness.
Create personalized regiments based on detailed energy readings.
Monitor internal or externally stressed energy channels.
Compare aura and chakra readings side-by-side and energy profiles track over time.
Learn to regulate bodily functions, such as breathing rate and muscle contractions.
Using before and after aura readings, ability to reveal imbalances and visually display harmonious health improvements.
Identify the signs of rising energy-stress, allowing you to address the issue before physical symptoms arise.
Can bring great relief and self-empowerment!
Frequently used in conjunction with alternative healing: Massage Therapy, Reiki, Yoga, Acupuncture, Energy Healing, & more
How often should you get your image done?
It is a good idea to keep an eye on your energy body. Once a year is a good marker. If you feel something is happening you may wish to have it done sooner.
As we grow spiritually, your aura energy will shift and as you do.